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Peterite Vehicle Parade 9 - #PVP9

The school Big match culture is never so exciting without the touch of the Saints. Taking all our young hearts away, the Peterites took to the street on Saturday 25th of March 2017 in Blue, White and Gold. It was the much awaited day, as the two schools of Saints set to take over the better vibes of Colombo city. As the opponent Joes conquered their way from Darley road, St. Peter's College fuelled their attack from the heart of Colombo 04.
Peterite Vehicle Parade 9 - #PVP9

The school Big match culture is never so exciting without the touch of the Saints. Taking all our young hearts away, the Peterites took to the street on Saturday 25th of March 2017 in Blue, White and Gold.

It was the much awaited day, as the two schools of Saints set to take over the better vibes of Colombo city. As the opponent Joes conquered their way from Darley road, St. Peter's College fuelled their attack from the heart of Colombo 04.

The never ending vehicle queues & Peter's roars depicted the love and support the lads had for their Alma Mater. As the Blue flags raised high up, it's glorious colours indeed 'gave a greeting to the skies'.

From its humble beginning in 2009 , the parade of 30 vehicles has ever grown into Peterites colouring every inch of Colombo's finest busiest streets with Peter's flame and glory.

"Strong as Rocks" did they steam the streets, to give a moral boost to the cricket team. As the day ended, not only did the parade won our lenses' love but the one-day match with a outstanding score.

25th of March 2017
8.00AM onwards

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