Miraculous Lochi

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With her name hitting the edges of anybody's mind, words of a freshness rumble. She is the new girl spark in the model industry. She is Lochani Lakshani by all means Lochi as we all know.
Miraculous Lochi

Miraculous Lochi
Interviewed by :Prinzez sj & JaNani Ü Mitchel
With her name hitting the edges of anybody's mind, words of a freshness rumble. She is the new girl spark in the model industry. She is Lochani Lakshani by all means Lochi as we all know.

First let get off with a little introduction of yourself shall we?
My full name is Y.M Piyumi Lochani Lakshani .My dad works for an Investment company and my mom doesn’t work. I have a brother an engineer who is currently married living in United Kingdom.
I went to Samudradevi Balika Vidyalaya Nugegoda till grade five. I got second highest marks for the grade five scholarship program and went to Nugegoda Anula Vidyalaya. I studied on commerce stream and got selected to University entrance but I didn’t really want to attend to University. after that I followed a diploma of hair dressing, beauty culture and bridal dressing. And now I’m following a diploma of aviation and hoping to complete ma aviation degree next year.

What was the spark to choose this field?

I never really wanted to be a model either. I don’t really like it when people call me a model not because I distaste this profession. But I even when I was small I unintentionally posed for pictures. So people kept saying some day she is going to be a model. Correspondingly I now don’t want to call myself a model.

I used to be a great actress back in school days, Played on many stage dramas. Those days are really playful and fun loving. People think that I am a proud person to be honest I am not. It’s just that I really don’t talk with strangers, people I don’t know much about. But when you got to know me you’ll see how much of a full of hot air person I am.

What was your first sight of impression of modeling and beauty culture fields?
Genuinely, In every field there are good and ugly sides and people. The perspective on actresses, models and fashion designers are always negative. This is just my perspective. There are girls on this profession mostly that’s the reason people say it’s a cruddy field to get in to. Only some people come to this field and ruin it but everybody else in it would have to climb through out with the bad name. Even if we are fashionable and have colored our hair they would give the look and say that one’s bad. These ways should change, it’s only Sri Lanka we got this matter going on. In Uk even beauticians can issue a prescription on certain matters. But Sri Lanka doesn’t have that status yet.

Miraculous Lochi Thoughts on Fashion Photography?
I really love it. It’s amazing how much this area of photography changed in years. There are so many photographers that don’t really get the push they needed to come out and show what they got. Fashion photography is an interesting subject. I surf all kind of fantastic photographs when I have time.

How many photo shoots have you done so far?
I really don’t remember but I haven’t done countless shoots. I don’t really say “yes” to many callings I get for shoots because it’s not my profession and I suppose I don’t want to earn from this field no matter how much they gonna wanna pay I just don’t say “yes” to many of them. Recently I went to a photo shoot of my friend because of her nagging. I got to know lots of people through her. So I didn’t come to this field on purpose really just people dragged me in to this.

I try to keep away strangers. If I haven’t seen their work or if I don’t know them personality I don’t really get involve with them.

If you don’t consider modeling as a profession, what is your profession?
I promised my mom after completing my beauty culture diploma that I will continue with my studies. So I don’t really have a profession yet. In near future I have an idea to start my own company but the decision haven’t fully confirmed yet. One of my friend is trying to drag me on fashion designing so, I have a little idea running inside my head about that too.

Any upcoming events you planning to show up on?
I’m planning to be in few shows, modeling. I’m somewhat busy these days with everything.

Miraculous Lochi Favorite fashion designer/label?
I like giorgio armani and Demolina. I don’t really go for labels or to find who the fashion designer is, if something look nice and if I think it matches me well enough I will go for them. Price, label and the designer are just categories only.

Nick names?
Most of people who doesn’t even know my name but call me Lochi. I’m a short girl, 5’1 so my friends have so many names for me. They call me pooch sometimes.

If you were to describe your personality?
I’m a very talkative person but not with strangers. If someone loves me I will love them even more. Family is my priority. I adore my friends. Most of time even in the shortest break I get I want to spend time with them. There’s only a palm full of close friends in my life. scolding and blaming are not my things. I’m a very caring person.

What’s your best and worst quality?
I’m kind hearted and my worst quality is that I’m hot blooded sometimes.
Suspects about love?
Everybody needs love. Even a puppy dog needs love in their lives. Having a relationship doesn’t always mean you are in love. In love there is care, standing by each other and everything. I do really believe in love.
Advice for people coming in both fields?
Even I’m new to these fields and I don’t have much experiences. When new people come in they come with an attitude sometimes. You have to find something of your own and bring it to the stage without imitating somebody else. Be original and unique. Just try to be you not somebody else. if you are doing the moon walk don’t be MJ because we don’t need another MJ. Do something new to world and do what’s right.

Birthday- March 11th
Favorite song/ singer – dinesh kanagaratnam
Favorite sport - I was bad at sports
Favorite actress - Kristen Stewart
Favorite actor - Robert Pattinson
Hobby(s) - modeling, listening to music and facebooking

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