Dvaara - Musaeus College Arts Day 2017

Written by Super User
Musaeus College held it's annual Arts' Day 'Dwara'17' on the 23rd of June 2017 at the College Auditorium bringing youthful exuberance through a sense of aesthetic enchantment.
Dvaara - Musaeus College Arts Day 2017

Musaeus College held it's annual Arts' Day 'Dwara'17' on the 23rd of June 2017 at the College Auditorium bringing youthful exuberance through a sense of aesthetic enchantment.

The event which was themed as "The path to a New world through the diversely talented Youth" focused on showcasing the creativity and hidden skills of the young. Dwara'17 was graced by the honorable presence of Dr. Prathiba Mahanamahewa who is serving as a renowned Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Law in University of Colombo.

Numerous schools such Ananda College, St. Pauls' Girls School Milagiriya, St.Thomas College and many more were invited to witness the Musaeus College Arts' Day and to participate in various competitions held in connection with the event. Dramas and musical performances enhanced the jollity and glee of the Arts' Day as they were well presented, stealing the full attention of the crowd.

The talented young students kept the audience mesmerized all day and brought colour to the stage through every spectacular item they performed. The annual Arts' Day marked its conclusion as an undeniable success.

23rd June 2017
1.00 p.m onwards
Musaeus College, Colombo

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