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EVOCO - Wisdom Part Timers' Batch Party

DeepminD 2017

The issues that most of the youngsters in our community face are not exactly identified as 'issues' by the general public. As a result society has identified some unimportant issues as the primary issues that youngsters face and most individuals, with the very good intention of trying to resolve these issues end up trying to provide solutions to the issues that most youngsters in our community deem to be unimportant. Therefore the actual issues that frustrate our community's youth go unresolved and undermined. With the prime motive of trying to properly identify and resolve the 'actual issues' faced by the youth, the Rotaract Club of the CfPS Law School, joined hands with the Interact Clubs of Ananda College and Visakha Vidyalaya, to organize 'Deepmind'; a professional development project, in order to boost the self-confidence, belief in oneself, as well as a community and to improve the creative skills of young adults in our community. The event was took place on 20th of February 2017 from 2.30PM onwards at Western Province Aesthetic Resort (NADA).
DeepminD 2017

The issues that most of the youngsters in our community face are not exactly identified as 'issues' by the general public. As a result society has identified some unimportant issues as the primary issues that youngsters face and most individuals, with the very good intention of trying to resolve these issues end up trying to provide solutions to the issues that most youngsters in our community deem to be unimportant. Therefore the actual issues that frustrate our community's youth go unresolved and undermined. With the prime motive of trying to properly identify and resolve the 'actual issues' faced by the youth, the Rotaract Club of the CfPS Law School, joined hands with the Interact Clubs of Ananda College and Visakha Vidyalaya, to organize 'Deepmind'; a professional development project, in order to boost the self-confidence, belief in oneself, as well as a community and to improve the creative skills of young adults in our community. The event was took place on 20th of February 2017 from 2.30PM onwards at Western Province Aesthetic Resort (NADA).

20th of February 2017
2.30pm onwards
Western Province Aesthetic Resort

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